Turok Wiki

Mon-Ark was a carnivorous dinosaur who was originally a normal prehistoric reptile until he was given a bionic brain by the goddess of the Lost Land, Mothergod. After her defeat, he was sent to Earth, where he continued to try to find and kill Turok with the assistance of his mate, an equally savage bionosaur who was pregnant with a clutch of eggs. Turok tracked both Mon-Ark and his mate down and killed them. He then turned their bodies over to a laboratory which disposed of all of Mon-Ark's eggs.

Later, a scientist examining Mon-Ark's skull removed the bionic brain from its housing and implanted it in the body of a Russian wrestler with a brain disorder, a patient of the good doctor. This caused Mon-Ark's consciousness to awaken in the wrestler, and he escaped from the laboratory and confronted Turok again, then almost beat his Native American foe until security forces from the lab shot him with a tranquilizer dart and brought him back to the lab.
