Turok Wiki

The Scarab is a cut variant of the Soldier Bug that was originally present in Turok.


In appearance, this insect looks much like a Soldier Bug; however, it has six massive legs and a massive spike on its head, which may have been used for battering and ramming purposes.

Its overall color scheme is the same as the Soldier Bug's, and its body is much larger than a normal Soldier Bug, implying it held a much more heavy set role.


Nothing is known about how this creature would act during gameplay.


List of appearances[]

Cut Content of Turok
Creatures Acid GlobberCarnivorous plantDimetrodonDroneGoo SpitterHunterImpalerJungle StalkerKing BugKing Head SoldierPteranodonScarabSeeker/ScreamerStegosaurusTriceratopsWorker
MG Units Bio Weapon UnitCaptainMedicShocktrooper
Weapons TaserTriple-barreled ShotgunUnidentified assault rifle
Vehicles Kovas Mud JumperMG Jeep
Miscellaneous Content LilPrimal Vision